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Student Evaluations / Feedback

Over 1,000 Real Student Reviews


Class scores and comments posted below from our students are typical.  We are aware that certain competitors engage in offering rewards for positive reviews and include contractual language prohibiting negative reviews, but we choose to keep our feedback real; the good and the not-so-good!  All monthly class review scores have averaged consistently over 9.5 out of 10 since we began soliciting candid, detailed feedback over 30 years ago. 

2017 overall average student rating: 9.71 out of 10.00


2018 reviews:


August 2018 Reviews (9.85 out of 10)

Score 10 – Have done other classes elsewhere.  This was by far the best. – Danielle Painter, Lakewood

Score 9.5 – It was hard to pay attention to instructions and lecture because my dog was often needing attention. – David Norton, Denver

Score 10 – Great class & training.  Time in class is good vs 1 hour training in others.  Great tips and ideas. – Tom & Laura Wyscaver, Golden

Score 10 – Thanks for you expertise!  We have a much better understanding of how to work with and live with our dog in a positive way! – Ciera Springer, Denver

Score 10+ – Fabulous instruction!  Love the principles and how much they accomplish.  Thank you! – Karen Field, Arvada

Score 9.8 – Would appreciate ending on time.  Thanks for a great class.  I intend on returning for CGC in spring. – Susan Foster & Hank, Evergreen

Score 9.7 – Sometimes the assistants would help me when Ted was explaining how to do the next thing, so I felt a little lost, but I have a really hard time taking info in with a lot of other sounds around me. – Sarah Giroulx, Arvada

Score 10 – James Prudhomme, Denver

Score 10+ – Rachel Diller, Littleton

Score 10 – Wondering where we go from here. – Sue Edwards, Lakewood

Score 9.7 – Different section for large and small dogs.  My dog seemed ok, but I was scared. – Craig & Patty Jonas, Lakewood

Score 10 – Maybe do more weeks of training, to do more “in class” practice.  Loki was feeling comfortable as each week went on but I think he needed more time there. – Kammy Stucker, Arvada

Score 10 – Pam Zundel, Lakewood

Score 10 – Great – 4th dog in this class – this was the best! – Charles Schuster, Lakewood

Score 10 – Thanks for the individual instruction and help.  Great class, knowledgable and passionate instructors. – Lauren, Denver

Score 9.4 – Very positive, helpful environment. – Ryan Polk, Lakewood

Score 10 – From observing class, some people might need reminders about the importance of training at home. – Brad Soelberg, Lakewood

Score 9.2 – More assistant trainers would of course be better but understand this is a difficult task and that our class took place during a “high” season – the fall. – Christopher Schaupp, Lakewood  ~ Editorial note:  We aim to have 1 trainer for every 5 dogs in class and we never have more than 6 dogs per trainer

July 2018 Reviews (9.73 out of 10)

Score 10 – This is the most challenging dog I’ve owned!  Not you, just a wild, insulant dog. – Melanie Rhinehart, Lakewood

Score 9.4 – Jacob O’Brien, Arvada

Score 9.7 – Paul D Awald, Superior

Score 9.8 – Wonderful instructors.  You all know that all dogs are unique and need certain differences in training. – Kiara Louy, Broomfield

Score 10 – Karen Green, Wheat Ridge

Score 10 – Thank you! – Christy Marchland, Brighton

Score 10 – Margaret Olah, Lakewood

Score 10 – Josh Kerns, Arvada

Score 8.4 – More on socialization, food aggression, red & yellow zones. – Brittain Lutze, Wheat Ridge

Score 9.4 – Kyle Pethe, Arvada

Score 10 – My breed was ranked a “24” in trainability.  Felt discouraged at first.  Might suggest not to mention that. – Mary O’Halloran, Lakewood

Score 10 – Tim Lohrenz, Golden

June 2018 Reviews (9.84 average out of 10)

Score 10 – I appreciated being able to bring my pup into a classroom environment even when he had some challenges interacting with other dogs.  I really enjoyed the course! – Allie, Lakewood

Score 9.5 – More tips for helping anxious, aggressive behaviors like nipping other dogs and people.  Otherwise we learned a lot! – Geoff & Hellen Simpson, Lakewood

Score 10 – I highly recommend this class to anyone who has a dog! – Todd Garrity, Denver

Score 10 – This was our first family dog.  We had no idea what to do or how to handle him.  This class was very useful in teaching us how to manage our dog. – Karen Miller, Lakewood

Score 10+ – Outstanding education for us, the owners.  I greatly enjoyed the lectures, spiced with humor, but very educational. – Austin Murr, Denver 

Score 10 – I appreciate all the extra time given to Stormy.  It has helped with her confidence. – Nichole Boggess

Score 9.5 – Size of class makes it difficult to find enough space at times to practice the various skills. – Sherman Papke, Lakewood

Score 10 – This class is great!  My dog was out of control 7 weeks ago!  Now she is a different dog! (Amost) – Amber Bauer, Lakewood

Score 10 – Haley has been in these classes before and so have my previous dogs.  I think the classes are very good and helpful. – Nancy Graham, Brighton

Score 9.7 – I prefer the more rigid (not a good word) obedience training – like Sally (Ted’s mother) taught.  I know your (Ted’s) emphasis is more on behavior but I enjoyed it. – Marilyn Heustis, Denver

Score 10+ – Ron Johnson, Evergreen

Score 9.4 – Michael Cunningham, Lakewood


May 2018 Reviews (9.58 average out of 10)

Score 9.2 – Rob Agnew

Score 10 – Good Instruction overall; very positive experience.  Thanks for a good start!  We still have work to do! – Sally Wojcik, Broomfield

Score 9.7 – Clear idea of class length, love the material but it would be nice to know if classes will run long.  (Need to have good idea for babysitter) – Ryan & Jana Bramwell, Wheat Ridge

Score 10 – We have a very high energy “greeter”.  Some tools to shorten the “de-energize” period when greeting people/other dogs would be great! – Shannon & Daniel May, Arvada

Score 9.7 – I thought it was a wonderful class – they were able to accommodate our challenging girl. – Kaitlyn Hawkins, Arvada

Score 8.7 – Hard to follow when so much is going on.  Working with our dog, I missed what to do next. – G Whizz, Arvada

Score 9.8 – I thought the class was great – almost wish there was an obedience basic 2. – Carol O’Brien, Golden

Score 9.7 – ReAnn Scott, Thornton

Score 9.8 – Ideas and instructions were often clean, however during the long instructions it was difficult to follow at times.  It would have been helpful to see an example from another dog. – Lisa, Denver

Score 9.7 – Cheryl Siefert, Golden

Score 10+ – Kelly Grippa, Lakewood

Score 9.5 – More hands on training, less lecture. – Ron & Debb Antener, Lakewood

Score 9.4 – Sometimes class moved too fast – if you missed a portion (didn’t hear), hard to catch up.  Good info during lectures but a bit long.  More practice/hands on. – Missy & Rick Low, Arvada

Score 9.7 – I liked the sense of humor and funny stories and factual information of dog stories. – Robin Speas, Arvada

Score 9.7 – Very well trained the dogs/puppies.  Amazing classes, very happy now from this class for Peppa.  Loraya Speas, Arvada

Score 9.4 – Trainers are excellent at identifying individual needs and really want every dog to succeed! – Alison & Ross Milan, Arvada

Score 9.0 – Demonstrating with dogs on a couple of times so we fully understood.  Sometimes felt like a few problem dogs took a lot of the attention which is understandable but made it difficult to get help/ask questions. – Jennifer Meikle, Denver


April 2018 Reviews (9.51 average out of 10)

Score 10 – I liked the realized and helpful atmosphere.  The flow works well, like the way class is instructed between activity/lessons. – Betsy Glahn, Denver

Score 9.8 – Some sections were a little too quick, but it was a lot of information. – Adam Carahalios, Littleton

Score 10 – Gwendolyn Simon, Highlands Ranch

Score 9.8 – Maybe a smaller class, but overall great! – Kim Torluemke, Littleton

Score 9.1 – More practice time in the class instead of lecture, dogs were distracting and it was hard to retain material. – Katie Larson, Evergreen

Score 10 – We’re very fortunate to receive the quality of training provided by Ted and staff, couldn’t have been happier.  Wish Ted did some at home visits though! – J. Schillo, Thornton

Score 8.5 – Wesley Ploof, Golden

Score 8.8 – Videos during lectures.  I am a visual learner and although a lot of it was visual, the videos could make it more fun.  (The personal stories I enjoyed a lot.) – Kelby McClaran, Lakewood

Score 9.8 – Seth Mitchell & Emily Medley, Lakewood

Score 10 – Sloan & Kevin Kempf, Longmont

Score 8.8 – Size of class was big, more individual help would be appreciated. – Matt Osbourn, Lakewood

Score 9.4 – Jake Trujillo, Littleton

Score 9.5 – Oliver Howard, Denver

Score 9.7 – The first class was extremely long after taking a half hour to get everyone registered.  Maybe just prepare people to be here until 9PM the first day? (Editor: Orientation scheduled to end at 8:45)  – Sandy Tinoco, Lakewood


March 2018 Reviews (9.54 average out of 10)

Score 9.7 – Great class, more than I expected.  Instructors helped me whenever I asked. – Bonna Sue Kalina, Lakewood

Score 10 – This was good exposure for our puppy in a safe and controlled environment. – Wendy Allan, Lakewood

Score 10 – My dog is doing so much better, I have learned so much! – Kristin Reed, Golden

Score 10 – I loved it.  Actually looked forward to coming every week.  I will definitely pass your name along. – Ronna Malone, Lakewood

Score 10 – Our dog was a terrible puller on walks – her behavior on leash has improved so much over the course of the class – thank you! – Jenny & Larry Lagerberg, Lakewood

Score 9.7 – The only recommendation would be more activity and less lectures. – Jeremy Fleming, Lakewood

Score 7.8 – Working with the dogs seemed more helpful than lectures.  Lectures could be more condensed. – Rebecca Silva, Lakewood

Score 10 – Great Job! – Terry Vicek, Morrison

Score 9.8 – Cherri & Ric Koogle, Golden

Score 9.2 – More on the floor demonstrations and possibly video clips to show instruction and proper methods beforehand.  It’s difficult to hear and follow instructions during training periods when unfamiliar with training. – John & Sheri Baca, Wheat Ridge

Score 8.8 – I would like to see more demonstrations on exactly how to do the different instructions. – Barbara & Jim Meurer, Golden

Score 10+ – More info on what collars works best for specific needs.  I’d like to have had the martingale collar earlier as it really helped my dog! – Kathy Degi, Lakewood

Score 10 – Marjorie Lane, Denver

Score 8.5 – Larissa Passmore, Morrison

Score 9.7 – Janet Schramm, Lakewood

Score 9.5 – Karlynn Schramm, Denver


February 2018 Reviews (9.91 average out of 10)

Score 10 – We loved this class!  The info and knowledge presented in the class has been extremely helpful with our Pops as well as our two older dogs at home.  We have learned to be better pet owners.  We really appreciate the help and insights.  We have recommended your program to our parents.  Thanks again! – Ashley & Tyler Carson, Golden

Score 10 – Classes here are super helpful in training our St. Bernard puppy, Georgie. – Jeff Johnson, Denver

Score 10 – We struggled with Dodger pulling on the leash and reactiveness to other dogs.  This class help us by learning to tap and having access to other dogs in a controlled circumstance. – Karen & Jim Wailes, Black Hawk

Score 9.4 – Maybe split lectures up so dogs aren’t sitting for an hour. – Leif Larsen, Littleton

Score 10 – Class really gave me the set of tools I needed to help train my dog Ziggy! – Catherine Zeronda, Denver

Score 10 – Hoobinson, Robinson/Hooser Family, Lakewood

Score 10 – Just another round intermediate we learned so much and she had so much fun! Thank you! – Joni & Randy Lay, Golden

Score 10 – Jaclyn Kuzmich, Arvada

Score 10 – Pete Krahe, Arvada

Score 9.4 – We felt the love and compassion these trainers have for all of the dogs in the class!  Thank you! – Mike & Terry Ingram, Denver

Score 10+ – Lots of work still to do, but all the tools to do it with.  Trainers working with their dogs to show what we need to do and maybe tricks and tips on how they trained their dogs. – Laura Grey & Alan Hamilton, Denver

Score 10 – As wild as Renzor can be, it was great to see how controlled he gets with your techniques! – Jeff Davis, Lakewood

Score 10+ – Thank you for hanging in there with us and Dublin.  First training we’ve ever been exposed to! – Kim, Steve, & Aubrey Bush, Franktown


January 2018 Reviews (9.74 average out of 10):

Score 9.2 – Harold Kellogg, Lakewood

Score 9.2 – The skills we learned and were able to teach our dog have been and will be beneficial in the years to come. – Karen Levine, Westminster

Score 10 – Vance & Vicki Philips, Arvada

Score 10 – Katie & Nick Makowski, Lakewood

Score 9.5 – I would like to have more hands-on work earlier in the class rather than lecture. – Scott Cale, Arvada

Score 10 – Gwen Stukey, Golden

Score 10 – My only suggestion is to end on time (I have an early bedtime), but class is fantastic and was worth it to stay late. – Amy Tedoff & Dan Tubbs, Edgewater

Score 10 – Really I’m not brown nosing, I just think you ran a top notch class. – Will Foster, Northglenn

Score 9.8 – We enjoyed the class more the 2nd time!  My only suggestion is to let everyone know early in the process that class may feel overwhelming and that you are not making progress fast enough, but that it will come together. – Melissa & John Harris, Littleton

Score 10 – Jessica Watts, Lakewood

Score 10 – Loved the class. (I) learned so much, even as this was my 3rd class (dog). – Teresa Bieker, Lakewood

Score 9.8 – Important for me is that the dog comes when called, hardest for me personally to teach the dog. – Gerald Lorman, Golden

Score 9.1 – Doug Lewis, Wheat Ridge

Score 9.8 – It seems you are so popular now! Even more than you have been in the past. – Celia Anderson, Golden

Score 9.8 – Thank you for your passion and enthusiasm! – Trevino, Denver

Score 10 – Excellent instruction!  Helped me to understand what I was doing wrong! – Nancy Werdel, Lakewood

Score 9.7 – Michael & Michele Saulino, Castle Rock


December 2017 Reviews (9.56 average out of 10):

Score 9.5 – More practice time, less lecture – Pamela Spears, Lakewood

Score 10 – We found that the Monday class worked better for Freya than the Saturday class.  The Monday was more relaxed which worked better because Freya is a little crazy. – Katie & Nick, Lakewood

Score 9.5 – Mike Robbert, Lakewood

Score 10 – Great class, I like the mixing large and toy breeds, feel that the real world type exposure was great. – David La Veau, Lakewood

Score 9 – Jim Berg, Evergreen

Score 9.5 – This is our 4th time – still great!  It helps to hear and then watch the instructions for me.  I like a demo before I try it myself. – Kristin Snowden, Pine

Score 9.4 – Amber has calmed down substantially! – Paul & Sharon Awald, Superior


November 2017 Reviews (9.51 out of 10):

Score 8.4 – Tom Urban, Golden

Score 9.7 – Liked having the 3 trainers. Sarah gave me a lot of extra help. – Amy Urban, Golden

Score 9.2 – Mark & Mary Gilbert, Lakewood

Score 10 – Rose Blair & Ann Murphy, Arvada

Score 9.5 – Love hands on practice with guidance then lecture. It would be fun to play with the other dogs. – Trina Wellendorf, Lakewood

Score 10 – You guys seem to cover everything well and I feel that there is enough info for me to continue working with Lexi. – Karise Lewin, Arvada

Score 9.0 – Richard Frey, Louisville

Score 8.8 – Seemed like a lot of dogs to deal with at the beginning.  3-4 fewer would be better. – Lisa & Mar McMullen, Lakewood

Score 9.5 – Danni Fleming & Pippin, Arvada

Score 9.7 – This class has helped with our puppy at home and gave us the knowledge to help others. – Bob Dickerson, Thornton

Score 10 – Great class, want to attend more! – Eric Michalek, Denver

Score 10 – Jennifer Mackety, Conifer

Score 10 – Susan Palermo, Denver

Score 9.4 – This class has helped immensely with teaching us to train. – Eric Hunter, Morrison


October 2017 Reviews (9.74 average out of 10):

Score 10+ – Jill Friesen, Arvada

Score 10 – Class met all expectations and made training understandable.  Best training class we have been through. – Kyle Bacon, Strasburg

Score 10 – Tracy Dowson, Golden

Score 9.8 – Annie White, Arvada

Score 9.7 – Loved the additional information gained from text! – Bryan Zierk, Denver

Score 10 – The best help was the one on one connection time the instructors gave. – Julie Comstock, Lakewood

Score 9.5 – I think the basic concepts were well communicated, but some specifics how-to’s might help.  Ted’s wife was super helpful in offering me an alternative to pushing my dog over in order to get him to lay down. – Carly & Drew Vanderwert, Arvada

Score 9.7 – It would be great to have a video we could refer back to for heel and stand stay. – Chris Ulmer, Arvada

Score 8.8 – Replace carpet by something easier to clean. – Eric, Lakewood

Score 10 – Good feedback during class and outside class when needed/asked.  Appreciate the one on one instruction during class for all owners/pets.  Book is an added bonus – great resource! - Christine Dreier, Lakewood

Score 10 – We learned a lot in the class and I have seen improvement in Virgil’s behavior on daily tasks. – Emily Wilson, Conifer

Score 9.8 – Really appreciate that even with his many years of experience, Ted keeps learning and sharing new information with us. – Carol Metz, Evergreen

Score 10 – Great job on working with my stubborn dog.  Lots of great tips for helping her be the best dog she can be! – Marissa Ponder, Arvada

Score 8.8 – Maybe break up lectures into half hour chunks with training in between. – Lisa Meiman, Lakewood

Score 10 – No suggestions, just praise. He loved the trainers and the facility. Looking forward to further/advance training! – Chris Burrows, Wheat Ridge


September 2017 Reviews: (9.60 average out of 10)

​Score 9.7 – Drew Bennett, Denver

​Score 10+ – Our puppy was the youngest of the group and the training we received with Ted Terroux gave us a wonderful, fun, and manageable four legged addition to our home.  Thanks so much to the Terroux team! – Karen Staggs, Lakewood

​Score 10 – Much less stressful bringing Boomer to softball games! – Sarah Yanker, Lakewood

​Score 10 – Thanks for allowing Sarah to participate! – Suzanne Smith, Arvada

​Score 10 – We still have a lot of work to do to alleviate the (slight) aggression but the tools taught will help! – Liz Biondi, Evergreen

​Score 9 – The material covered was excellent and instructors were extraordinary at dog training.  The lectures were full of useful info, but the pacing was poor, so we often didn’t have time to cover important topics at the end without rushing.  Stories were repeated and rhetorical questions were used on stuff we hadn’t covered which led to awkward silence.  This was especially true in weeks 1-3.  Individual help was excellent and the try at home tips - boundary training, removing undesirable behaviors, overcoming fears, etc. were very helpful and easy to implement!  The trainers all clearly love dogs and all knew their stuff.  They each had different demeanors and slightly different styles which helped all the dogs learn.  Class was fun! – Katy Evans, Lakewood

Editor's Note:  We repeat 3 themes a lot in Weeks 1 through 3!

Score 10 – Although it was difficult to pay attention weeks 2 and 3 because dog doesn’t sit till so reiterating at the end would be helpful.  Write down homework assignments on the board so we can take a picture to recall. – Trish Toth, Denver

Editor's Note:  We give all of our students a worksheet that covers weekly homework assignments.

Score 9.7 – Awesome opportunity!  It truly has helped Baron to become a more social dog. – Suzanne Shaw, Lakewood

​Score 9.4 – Great job all instructors! – Cheryl Petry, Lakewood

​Score 9.7 – Slightly smaller class.  Honestly the large class was probably good for the dog but stressful on me.  Excellent class. Thank you – Brad Eigsti, Lakewood

​Score 10 – Steve & Pam Hackbarth, Lakewood

​Score 8.8 – Thank you so much for all of the help with Marshal.  Your compassion for dogs and patience with people has been wonderful. – Stuart Sunderland, Lakewood

​Score 9.7 – Carol Thompson, Lakewood

​Score 10 – Gina Archer, Lakewood

​Score 9.1 – The group setting was challenging.  We likely could have benefitted from a one-on-one instruction ahead of the group setting. – Scott Robinette, Lakewood

​Score 9.1 – Baxter and I enjoy our time together now.  We both look forward to our walks. – Carol Canada, Lakewood

​Score 9.0 – If the class is scheduled for 10:30am I would expect it to start at 10:30am.  Also we need a 5 minute break half way through.  My brain gets overwhelmed with info and I lose my concentration.  Good Quote: Ted and crew are always available to help you and will work with you and your dog to find something that works for your situation.  I like having 3 additional trainers.  I learned from each of them, they don’t give up. – John & MaryAnn Andrews, Lakewood


August 2017 Reviews: (9.76 average out of 10):

Score 10 – This class really helped my relationship with my dog.  Maybe shorter lectures, the book was really helpful. – Tim Gill, Arvada

Score 9.4 – Brittney Perreault, Highlands Ranch

Score 10 – Coleen Visconti, Littleton

Score 10 – Terry Koepsel, Lakewood

Score 10 – Doris Lee, Littleton

Score 10 – Duke probably wasn’t ready for this but I think he made some progress, I had hoped he could actually mingle with the other dogs. – Donna Ross-Brosze, Rollinsville

Score 10 – Great class!  Very knowledgeable. – Kindra Olson, Lakewood

Score 9.8 – Linda Sundine, Lakewood

Score 10 – I appreciated being able to bring our dog to the dog aggression class.  Also appreciated all the help via phone call and e-mails before and during the class, especially before she was even registered. She is a different dog now. – Stacy Springston, Arvada

Score 10+ – Feel that the class was a great start to a great life long relationship with him. – Carol Ammon, Golden

Score 10 – Leah Brandt, Arvada

Score 10 – Jennifer Fedewa, Lakewood

Score 10 – Loved how instructors offered individual advice for my dogs’ specific behavior issues. – Christal Henkes, Arvada

Score 10+ – I certainly didn’t expect our dog to achieve what he did and Ted is superb at addressing problems before they occur and correcting positively and effectively.  He trains the humans just as effectively! – Judy Craig, Westminster

Score 9 – A little hard to visualize commands; suggest using your dog to demonstrate at each class.  Helps to see what good looks like. – Nicole Temples, Arvada

Score 10 – We appreciate your patience with us and our dog.  Thanks for letting us try again and helping us with more in-class practice. – Lisa & Marcus, Lakewood

Score 8.5 – The assistants were great in clarifying instructions and giving helpful hints (in addition to class instructions).  I learned so much and so did my dog!  Thanks for the collar suggestions, already seeing improvements. – Karina Keyes, Golden

Score 10 – Samantha & Matthew Lammle, Arvada

Score 9.8 – I am a returning customer with puppy #2.  The changes that happen with proper instruction and homework are amazing over the course.  Tools given will reinforce positive tools to have a delightful pet. – Jeannette Elrod, Thornton

Score 9.4 – Verbal instruction can be long at times.  Aggressive dog classes for multiple classes. – Jeff Fry, Lakewood

Score 9.7 – I have recommended Ted’s class repeatedly.  We have been so happy with the impact of the class on both of our dogs. – Elizabeth Legg, Denver

Score 10 – We have learned so much in this course!  We have brought both dogs through the training and will come again when we get another one. – Chantal Herbert, Centennial

Score 9.5 – Henry did better than my original expectations for his breed. – Natalie Bryslan, Westminster

Score 10 – Connie Feight, Arvada

Score 10 – Steve Voluse, Denver

Score 10 – Train outdoors. – Birute James, Northglenn

Score 8.5 – Additional instruction for a multi-dog household would’ve been great for our situation – understandably not a majority of the class shares. – Michael Reid, Lakewood

Score 9.7 – Bigger facility, more space to move dogs. – Sarah A. Miller, Thornton


July 2017 Reviews: (9.93 average out of 10):

Score 10 – Robert & Jo Sheely, Black Hawk

Score 9.8 – It was a great experience, thank you!  Smaller class size, we had 16. – Lauri Colbert, Centennial

Score 10 – Looking forward to Good Citizen. – Karissa Lai, Lakewood

Score 10+ – If you are lucky enough to the Denver area THIS is the class to take.  His last name should be pronounced thorough! – Nancy Lucius (Jeff & Abby), Lakewood

Score 10 – This is my second time through.  I loved the class so much the first time, I brought my new rescue dog through. – Jennifer Steck, Denver

Score 9.5 – More examples with an actual dog, not necessarily a trained dog.  The visual is important.  Love the info about dog behavior. – Mandy Kelver, Arvada

Score 10+ – Thank you!  Big Betty is doing so much better! – Kathie Hancock, Parker

Score 9.8 – Don Kaiser, Littleton

Score 10+ – I’m a repeat offender in this class and I would come back again. – Joanie Landahl, Arvada

Score 10 – The trainers were all very helpful and knowledgeable. – Chris Lane, Denver

Score 10 – Thanks!  You guys were awesome!  We’ll see you in good citizen class! – Amber & Prince, Denver

Score 10 – Brix, Lakewood


June 2017 Reviews: (9.76 average out of 10):

Score 9.7 – Great course, I will recommend. – Chris Andersen, Littleton

Score 10 – Best course ever!  Fantastic instructors.  I don’t know how you could improve.  Ted is most impressive instructor I ever dealt with.  Assistants are great too. – Eileen Welsome, Denver

Score 10 – Read the book (assignments) prior to each class - wish I did. – David, Denver

Score 10 – We loved the class! – Sarah Silbergeid, Arvada

Score 9.2 – Carla Rail, Wheat Ridge

Score 9.5 – Just keep doing what you guys do! – Taylor Dorrell, Lakewood

Score 10 – No suggestions – we would like Onyx to get some more structured social time with other dogs. – Jennifer Durso, Lakewood

Score 9.8 – Mike Lohse, Arvada

Score 9.4 – The class was very informative and helpful.  – Abby Howard, Denver

Score 9.5 – Kay & Lee Acosta, Arvada

Score 10 – Art Deherrera, Lakewood

Score 10 – Techniques are great! Optional Canine social hour before class? – Nathan Frank, Arvada


May 2017 Reviews: (9.60 average out of 10):

Score 9.7 – Elise & John Bishop, Golden

Score 8.4 – Overall a great class! I’d love to see the book more closely/clearly aligned with the class schedule but still a lot of great info! – Luke Giltner, Lakewood

Score 9.5 – Alternate talking and training to 25 min each. – Jan Guyaux, Lakewood

Score 9.4 – Occasionally it wasn’t clear in class what we were supposed to do. – Tamra Moore, Golden

Score 10 – It’s a great feeling to know my dog is much safer around others.  The class works as long as you put in the effort.  My relationship is so much better with my dog. – Sarah D., Arvada

Score 9.7 – I’m not comfortable with the dogs learning they can play – they come at my dog to play, but I want my dog to ignore them. – Becky Hudson, Golden

Score 9.2 – Gene R. Stevens, Lakewood

Score 10 – Perhaps we may come back for good citizen “if he ever matures” – Virginia & Randy Lee, Denver

Score 10 – Lots of subjects covered and trainer’s knowledge really helped us train our dog better.  Love the techniques you use! – Debi Putman, Golden

Score 9.5 – Hard to say – this was a VERY good class. – Dan Ryhal, Lakewood

Score 9.7 – Sometimes it felt like there were too many dogs for adequate individual attention, but overall I don’t think it detracted from the class. – Lisa, Lakewood

Score 10 – Terroux Training was recommended as the best choice by all the rescue centers in Denver. – Sarah Condie, Denver

Score 9.7 – Great class, lots of valuable lessons/tips. – Joe & Whitney Rivera, Littleton

Score 9.5 – Pace was a bit fast – when everyone was on the floor – got a bit confusing but that’s understandable. – Jeff & Debbie Hammond, Arvada


April 2017 Reviews: (9.68 average out of 10):

Score 10 – Thank you for working with my young daughter and helping her confidence with patience! – Beth Ross Harrison, Littleton

Score 10 – We are well on our way towards having a well behaved puppy. – Julie, Denver

Score 9.7 – I enjoyed reading the book prior to the course each week.  Knowing which kind of treats and where to get a treat pouch prior to class would be helpful. – Katherine Jennings, Arvada

Score 9.4 – Felt at times there were too many dogs in the class. – Linda, Highlands Ranch

Score 10 – We will be back for the Good Citizen Class. – Amy & Steve Neff, Golden

Score 10 – Anita Rouse, Denver

Score 9.5 – There was so much content that sometimes it felt overwhelming.  If the lecture time was broken up a little more with the hands on it would make the lecture “sink in” a little better. – Tom Kullman, Wheat Ridge

Score 9.5 – This has been our second dog coming to your training so obviously we like your style of training. – Jodi Lee, Arvada

Score 9.2 – Whatever we couldn’t teach our dogs, the skills about building authority helped fill in the gaps. – Jeannine Mortell, Wheat Ridge

Score 10 – I would have like a little smaller class.  It was a bit chaotic! – Lori Magazine, Denver

Score 9.7 – Margaret Hui, Littleton

Score 9.2 – You guys were great and consistent.  Very informative and nice staff.  Wish I could have a little more one on one. – Amanda Wright, Arvada


March 2017 Reviews: (9.90 average out of 10):

Score 9.5 – More instruction on barking would be good. – Sally Cresci, Littleton

Score 10 – I am still learning with Kylo.  Love the class! – Dawn Birchfield, Lakewood

Score 9.8 – Charles Cotter, Arvada

Score 10 – Jarrod Keever, Aurora

Score 10+ – The roaming assistant trainers were very knowledgeable and helpful – they taught some points I had misunderstood. – Kit, Lakewood

Score 10 – Kirk Johnson, Arvada

Score 10+ – The class was great.  My expectations for my dog were probably unrealistic but hoping he will begin to “get it”. – Cynthia Giffen, Evergreen


February 2017 Reviews: (9.78 average out of 10):

Score 9.8 – The staff was excellent and attentive they helped me not only successfully train in class but at home as well. – Maggie Obrien, Denver

Score 9.1 – Great class, will be back for more training. – Loren Zweig, Lakewood

Score 10 – We learned so much in this class and enjoyed coming every week! – Emily & Andrew Hein, Denver

Score 10 – Bill Moore, Englewood

Score 10 – I’ve had dogs for many, many years.  I learned a lot from Ted and his helpers.  I will continue with his classes in the future. – Sue Sherman, Westminster

Score 9.8 – Talk a little slower. – Carolyn, Joe & Deanna Curry, Golden

Score 10 – This class was thorough.  The book Compliments the classes and can be used as reference even after the training sessions. – Beth Bolduc, Arvada

Score 10 – Genie O’Fallon, Lakewood

Score 10+ – This class and instructors are very friendly and knowledgeable. – Venus Wrigley, Denver

Score 9.5 – Fun class!  We learned a lot of things that we will continue to build on.  Thanks for a great class. – Stacy Chavez, Lakewood

Score 10 – The ability to train a show dog for obedience is a great offering.  Thank you for the accommodation. – John Thompson, Broomfield

Score 9.7 – Makenzie O’Malley, Lakewood

Score 10 – Karla Thompson, Broomfield

Score 10 + – This class was amazing in every way.  All trainers were incredibly knowledgably and had a great instinct on how to best work each individual dog! – The Grego’s, Lakewood

Score 9.4 – Clearer instructions. – Bob Farnes, Westminster

Score 9.7 – Smaller class size – Dwayne Stevenson, Littleton

Score 9.7 – Sondra McKenzie, Lakewood

Score 9.1 – More Specific breed instruction. – Seth Carter, Conifer

Score 10 – Mr. Phelps, Denver


January 2017 Reviews: (9.66 average out of 10):

Score 10 – Mrs. Armelina, Lakewood

Score 10 – Glad to know Ted/Staff will be available for questions and assistance following the class. – Mary & Mike Lynn, Denver

Score 10 – We loved the class and recommend it highly. – Glenn & Mary Van Horn, Arvada

Score 9.7 – Austin & Chloe Waskey, Lakewood

Score 9.5 – Michael Wilson, Lakewood

Score 8.7 – More classes, more than once a week.  I think it would help with more difficult dogs. – Gary Mandernack, Golden

Score 10 – Liz Kleinschmidt, Golden

Score 9.5 – We received conflicting advice from various trainers which was frustration early on.  As we moved through the class, the individual attention was great. – Melissa & John Harris, Littleton

​       Editor’s note:  While Ted runs these classes giving general instruction, our roaming trainers may
       give clients who are struggling different methods to try which can be confusing at times.

​Score 10 – Looking forward to the Canine Good Citizen class and then Therapy dog classes. – Terrylee Page, Lakewood

Score 10 – Best Dog Class!  Well worth the money!  Everyone that owns a dog should take them to Ted’s. – Olivia McCasey, Golden

Score 9.2 – Sometimes too crowded with 2 large dogs in class (ours being one of them).  Really great class!  I needed as much training as my dog!  You helped us both break bad habits. – Treg Countryman, Lakewood

Score 9.8 – Debbie Nowak, Arvada

Score 10+ – We really liked the light humored atmosphere and positive direction in training Rollo.  Reiterating what we read and practiced visually and verbally was very helpful.  Trainers and assistants were very personable and helpful. – Amanda & Tina Cross, Lakewood

Score 10 – Sue Toombs, Arvada

Score 8.2 – We very much appreciate your investment in healthy training rather than just making money – Trooper Pedicino, Littleton

Score 10 – Great instruction. – Donna, Denver

Score 10 – The classes and entire experience has been beyond beneficial for us.  We are looking forward to a happy life with Buster, the most well behaved dog we know! – Denise Teele, Denver

Score 9.2 – Josh Parkhurst, Lakewood


December 2016 Reviews:

Score 9.8 – Great class! Sometimes Ted is a bit long winded but it was all so helpful.  My dog knows so much more now, and so do I! – Rachel, Lakewood

Score 10 – April Roybal, Lakewood

Score 9.8 – Hannelize Cowie, Lakewood

Score 9 – Shorter classes – my attention span isn’t that long. – Michael Cunningham, Lakewood

Score 9.5 – The class improved my knowledge of how to handle my dog as well as his overall behavior. – Joshua Mike, Lakewood

Score 9.5 – This course really helped with my dog’s fear. – Margaret Tillman, Lakewood

Score 9.8 – This course is extremely helpful and enjoyable to attend. – Jen Snowden, Littleton

Score 10 – We have a lot of training to do still. – Kim McGinn, Lakewood

Score 10 – Thank you so much.  Kain is becoming the best behaved Husky.  Such an improvement in his behavior!  Thank you for all the help! – David King, Denver

Score 10 – Gabriel Padilla, Denver

Score 10 – Long talks by Ted, but good info.  Love Sat AM coffee & donuts! – Deb Hanson, Lakewood

Score 10 + – Given the stubborn nature of the breed and it being my first time owning a dog, I was really happy with the progress.  Thank you all so much!! – Katherine Borst, Golden

Score 9.1 – Great start to learn a tool set for all future endeavors.  More demo’s with pre-trained dogs to show what it should look like. – Linnea Jones-Iniguez, Lakewood

Score 9.2 – Great class worth every penny.  It’s nice to be able to take Luna with us whenever we can! – Yvonne, Centennial

Score 10 – This was the best training program we’ve ever attended!  Keep doing what you’re doing!  Excellent program and solid techniques!  Frustration-free training! – Karen & Ken Morales, Evergreen

November 2016 Reviews:

Score 9.4 – Well done and working for my dog.  Remind folks at the end of every class how important weekly homework is. – Tim, Evergreen

Score 9.8 – Peter Brittin, Denver

Score 8.5 – Offer a small dog class. – Morgan Bess, Denver 

     Editor’s note:  Even though it sounds good on the cover, we don’t break up classes by the size of
     the dog.  We believe that it’s important for dogs to be prepared for the real world where little dogs
     should feel comfortable being around big dogs and big dogs should be well-behaved around
     little dogs.

Score 10 – Good class, taught us many things – consistency and repetition are important. – Dagmar & Geoff Hargreaves, Arvada

Score 10 – Scott Croushore, Lakewood

Score 10 – Perfect class size. – Karen Nakandakare, Lakewood

Score 10 – Andrew Miller, Arvada

Score 10 – Julie Young, Denver


October 2016 Reviews:

Score 10 – Lectures are great.  For the first few, could you break up the lecture with more practice (out of the chairs).  I was so focused on getting my dog to behave I couldn’t pay attention. – Virginia Night, Lakewood 

Score 9 – Maybe take a poll in class to see what is being worked on at home.  Take top 1 – 3 problems and teach class how to improve on those behaviors. – Bryanna Munns, Golden

Score 9.7 – Slightly more one on one training. – Malek York, Lakewood

Score 10 – Richard & Kelly Mizerak, Lakewood

Score 10 – Dave Greenwald & Roz Taylor, Golden

Score 10+ – Thank you for training me how to train my dog!  Excellent experience for both of us. – Ashley Arbon, Arvada

Score 10 – Beyond impressed with Casey’s improvement. – Jim & Melissa Wilcox, Lakewood

Score 10 – Catherine Potts, Lakewood

Score 10 – Kurt Gross, Denver

Score 9.7 – Mike Michalkiewicz, Aurora

Score 10 – I want to take the next level class! – Roz Taylor, Golden

Score 10 – Joyce Kramer, Highlands Ranch

Score 10 – Chantal Herbert, Lakewood

Score 10+ – Very impressed on instructions and classes – Connie Shanahan, Larkspur

Score 9.7 – Monica & Ron Heimbecher, Thornton

Score 9.4 – Excellent facilities and positive approach to dog training.  Dogs enjoy and are stress free. – Edwin Kramer, Highlands Ranch

Score 10 – I like the Facebook info, you all work very hard with all of us.  Thank you so much! – Janie Herold & Grant Olson, Greenwood Village

Score 10 – Courtney O’Brien, Lakewood

Score 10 – Alek Silva, Lakewood

Score 10 – Andrew Lynch, Henderson


September 2016 Reviews:

Score 9.1 – On occasion I received conflicting instructions from the assistants.  For example “No chew” vs. “No bite” – Alan Schindler, Denver 
          Editor’s note:  We instruct students consistently to never use the “No Bite” phrase for mouthing.

Score 9.4 – Nan Wilczek, Lakewood

Score 10 – I wish the class size was smaller. – Katie Plutt, Englewood

Score 9.7 – Reading assignments were difficult because so fragmented and non-sequential but they did follow sequence of class. – Patty Settles, Denver

Score 9.8 – Sheila Swanson-McIntyre, Centennial

Score 10 – Kristina Brodsky, Denver

Score 10+ – Like the small size class as you receive so much direction and support, always time for any questions you might want to ask. – Jean Mullen & Ginny McLain, Lakewood

Score 10 – Maybe offer an optional/voluntary gathering of the families and their dogs for a reunion gathering in a month or so.  Appreciated the encouragement by the staff of allowing us to have all of our family members actively participate in learning how to train our dog.  This approach taught all of us (kids too) how to be consistent with Guinness.  It also was a great reminder on how to continue “training” our kids – consistency, follow-thru, positive reinforcement. – Kathleen Nixon, Lakewood

Score 10 – Alexi Drgac, Lakewood

Score 10 – Jerolyn Ochs, Louisville

Score 9.7 – Alessandra DeMarchis, Denver

Score 10 – Sometimes explanations seemed a little fast at first but with practice they became more clear.  We’ve learned so much and appreciate everything! – Amu Stephenson, Golden

Score 9.7 – Sarah Hamilton, Denver

Score 9.5 – Was hoping for a little more 1 on 1 mostly in the order of pause and praise.  When to eye contact.  Great People!  I really felt like you guys care genuinely about my dog and I. – Amber Harrison, Lakewood

Score 10 – Very patient and willing to personalize to each dog.  Very good classes and instructors whose primary mission is training dogs and people to do better as community citizens. – Paige Calahan

Score 9.2 – S. Mackay, Wheat Ridge

Score 10 – Maybe more frequent breaks in lectures to let the dogs practice what is covered. – Julie Kaufman, Arvada

Score 10 – I learned so much.  Thank you for answering all my questions. – Lorraine Rodriguez, Denver


August 2016 Reviews:

Score 10 – We got our money’s worth the first class! – Liz & John, Denver

Score 10 – Stephanie McCormack, Lakewood

Score 9 – I highly valued the training and recommend this class to others.  One Suggestion would be to use dogs more to demonstrate during class discussions more. – Laurie, Evergreen

Score 10+ – Kaitlin & Christian Walker, Denver

Score 9.7 – I am so thrilled with the progress Gertie has made.  She truly loves coming to class every week and I am so grateful for this program.  She’s a whole new dog!  I honestly did not thing it was possible to achieve so much in such a short amount of time – it’s amazing! – David & Samantha Emerson, Denver

Score 9.8 – Good, fun course. – Steve Morganfield, Arvada

Score 8.8 – Murphy could have used a little more individual attention early on but it was a large class so it was understandable.  Otherwise it was an awesome class and we learned a lot!  We will be back for more. – Trace Wollner & Megan Sheehey, Centennial

Score 10 – An incredible class!  Would recommend to everyone.  We had such a great experience. – Alisabeth Taramona, Denver

Score 10 – Michael Mecherikoff, Arvada

Score 10 – Before I took the class, when I got Fred as a rescue, I could not walk him on a leash.  Now I have neighbors who remark on how well trained he is.  I cannot recommend the training enough. – Chris Uthe, Lone Tree

Score 9.4 – We really liked the social aspect of the class that really helped our dog become more comfortable around other dogs. – Alina & Josh, Littleton


July 2016 Reviews:

Score 10 – Michael & Melissa McKibben, Arvada

Score 9 – Dan & Sally Scherer, Arvada

Score 10 – William Hackmann, Westminster

Score 10 – I think all the lectures are great.  Very informative and the book has the information to refer back to. The head instructor and all the trainer are very patient and kind. – Nancy Bozarth, Lakewood

Score 9.5 – Bo & LouAnn Hultrgren, Golden

Score 9.4 – You’re the professionals, but I would like a little more practice time and less lecture. (Note – I’m a hard grader!  Overall we love the class and recommend it to friends all the time.) – Dave Farmer, Denver

Score 10+ – Excellent training. – Nancy Starrett, Arvada

Score 10 – You all were so helpful and encouraging. – Laura & Cody Kieft (& Timber), Lakewood

Score 10 – Amy Branch, Golden


June 2016 Reviews:

Score 9.7 – Excellent course!  Great general info, and when my dog needed it (all the time) instructors gave specific instruction and advice for my dog.  A surprising amount of direct instruction in a large class.  Thank you!! – Alyssa Schafer, Golden

Score 10 – You have to practice to succeed.  Everyone was helpful in individual concerns.  I get the feeling that the trainers really want everyone to succeed…very positive. – Cathy Watson, Arvada

Score 9.8 – Doughnuts for the longer classes; dog training and people training was great. – Brian, Emma & Fin Conroy, Lakewood

Score 10 – I really enjoyed the class and learned a lot! – Marcy Campbell

Score 9.7 – Very good staff, they were always there to answer my questions. – Molly DeBerard, Golden

Score 9.4 – Really happy with Finns progress – she’s much more oriented toward us.  The lectures were a little long at times – maybe some webinars for some of them that we need to watch. – Julia Kantor, Edgewater

Score 9.7 – Judith S. Camacho, Denver

Score 10 – Great class.  Thank you so much! – Rebecca, Lakewood

Score 9.4 – Mark & Julie Claassen, Lakewood


May 2016 Reviews:

Score 8.5 – Some of the instructions last too long and should be broken up by an exercise. – Karen Sommer, Lakewood

Score 9.8 – On the first day of class we had to be separated because of the aggression Bubba showed, now he has no problem being around other dogs!  He had had a huge improvement! – Kelsey & Will & Bubba, Lakewood

Score 10 – Time to begin learning a trick.  This class far exceeded my expectations.  I know as an owner how to train George, I just need to take the time every day. – Teresa Cobucci, Lakewood

Score 9.8 – When a dog is not behaving, (while I’m seated and he is jumping on me), it would have helped if someone would have shown me what to do to stop him. – Donna Zingelman, Lakewood

Score 10 – You trained both dog and parents. – Linda Reffel, Sedalia

Score 10 – It was a great and educational class! – Evan Koenig, Lakewood

Score 9.7 – David Dignan, Westminster

Score 9.4 – It seemed like the real “problem” or “aggressive” dogs got most of the help.  The class was pretty crowded so dogs who weren’t aggressive that needed some extra help did not get it.  We had a few aggressive dogs. – Stephanie Hodge, Littleton

Score 9.8 – We knew and anticipated difficulty training 2 puppies and were humbled by the experience.  If possible, more floor time to practice in a group setting. We needed more training than the puppies. – Chukwuma & Brooke Duru, Denver


April 2016 Reviews:

Score 10 – Very happy – Brix and I will be doing Good Citizen. – Terri Hayes, Highlands Ranch

Score 9.5 – Even more guided practice for 1st time dog owners/slow learners.  Maybe an “optimal” practice session.  All in all – great experience and perfect practice makes perfect permanent. – Dayna Ryan, Lakewood

Score 10+ – I like the no nonsense approach.  Good facility – clean – all positive reinforcement in a professional manner – I like how trainer suggestions are for everyone – we are not singled out. – Bill Baier, Englewood

Score 10 – I have friends who took their dog to other places which cost considerably more and ended with a much lower level of education in dog obedience. – Brian Legvold, Aurora

Score 9.5 – The class and the instructors were fabulous, highly recommended, only criticism was the number of dogs initially. – Jody Curtin, Littleton

Score 10 – I didn’t know Doggy could learn so much in 7 weeks…and me too!  This class was great!!!  It sets and excellent foundation for all future trainings of Doggy – obedience, tricks, etc.  Loved the clean facility, loved Ted’s kind but firm, no-nonsense approach. – WM Bason, Lakewood

Score 9 – Have the instructors demonstrate the behavior with your dog. – Sara Kowalski, Lakewood

Score 10 – Very good value!  Examples and instruct5ion were excellent.  We learned how to effectively communicate with our dog.  Great class! – Leon Foks & Sydney Wilson, Lakewood

Score 10 + – Stella has came so far! – Amberley Deeds, Denver


Terroux Dog Training - Arvada
12975 W. 80th Ave303-232.1034

Sharing the same campus with Ralston Valley Canine
There are 2 entrances from 80th Ave, use the EAST entrance.

See below map, yellow arrow (click on map to enlarge).

Map of new location_07-2024.png
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